Joe Li Lied!

Video clips below show that Regional Councilor was contradicting himself during the Jan 23rd and Feb 4th meetings.

万锦市市政会议主持人Joe Li (Regional Councilor) 1月23号会议已经知晓开发商行为并邀请市民参加会议给开发商站台. 2月4号听证会假装自己刚知道,前后矛盾,颇有猫腻, 听证会程序不透明. During the Markham City Council Meeting on January 23rd, the moderator, Joe Li (Regional Councilor), was informed of the developer’s proposal and invited citizens to attend the Feb 4th public hearing to advocate for the developer’s plan. However, at the public hearing on February 4th, he pretended that he had just learned about this plan.

On Jan 23rd, RC Joe Li commented that there would be an item on Feb 4 about this project (i.e., Remington’s proposed re-zoning plan).  He received a lot of phone calls from residents.

On Feb 4th, when asked “when did the council and city become aware about the project?”, RC Joe Li replied “last Friday” (i.e., Jan 31)